Developing leaders in sports with both a comprehensive understanding of scientific theory and practical skills in sports

Division of Health and Sport Science


Dongguk University Fundamentals Education Foundational Education Liberal Arts Education Single Major Double Major Required Credits
General Education Affiliated Education Primary Major Secondary Major
7 8 6 18 66 51 39 130
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Dongguk University Fundamentals Education Earn 7 credits
Foundational Education General Education Earn 8 credits
Affiliated Education Earn 6 credits in the humanities field
Liberal Arts Education 18 credits (field #1: 3 / field #2: 6 / field #3: 6 / field #4: 3))
Major Single 66 credits 50% or more of the minimum credits required for the major in the specialized curriculum available in Junior and Senior years (single major: 32 credits / dual major: primary major 26 credits, secondary major 20 credits) - Compulsory completion of major employment courses (SOA208 Sports Science Career Search, SOA313 Sports Science Employment Seminar)
Secondary Major Primary Major 51 credits
Secondary Major 39 credits